The June 10th (week 6) UWFM Photo Tour is now up on flickr.com.
We are starting to see more vegetables as we move mid-June and just a few days from Summer -- summer squash, cabbage, more varieties of lettuces and herbs, and broccoli. Certified organic, chemical free, or conventional methods, our market vendors only sell what they raise and grow.
Last week's cut-out cookie from Sara Yates at Batter and Bowl was a sailboat! It'll be fun to see what Sara will feature this week! Sara's cut-outs are just $1 and grown-ups and kids love them!
Another market favorite for everyone is a stop at Pleiades Maple Products, along with Ohio maple syrup, Eddie Lou Meimer features home-made, old-fashioned, maple leaf shaped, maple sugar candy and maple lollipops -- all under $1!
The forecasts call for rain today, but if the meteorologists are right (that means we aren't responsible if it rains!!) there is a 4 hour window this afternoon between 3 and 7 that has clouds but no precipitation. Fingers crossed!! The market is rain or shine -- so pack your rain gear just in case and remember, all market vendors have canopies - so shopping and chatting and browsing and tasting -- still happening between the drops!
The only absent market vendor we know about today is Frijolito Farm.
Remember, while you're at the market... take a walk Uptown -- and Shop Uptown Westerville.
Meza, 48 N. State, always has Market Wednesday features including pantry and wine pairing suggestions and a $1 wine tasting!
The market is a great place to run into friends (and family) and just enjoy the day.
Market insider tip: Big Thanks to Church of the Messiah -- the parking lot is now repaired and the surface is paved!!
The market meets rain or shine. Use discretion; if lightning present market will suspend activity. Photo image: Friends of all ages love to come to the market by Linda Foor. ©2009 Brickstreet Communications. All rights reserved.
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