The Uptown Streetscape project continues, so you may experience slight slow downs along State St. from city hall north to E. Home. (Turning left from W. Main onto N. State can be tricky.) You may find construction cones, construction vehicles, and workers just slightly obstructing your lane or part of the sidewalk.
There will also be some detours beginning March 30th. The City of Westerville tells us:
Electrical work and tree installation is continuing on the west side of State Street progressing from north to south. Tree removal, sidewalk repair and tree installation will occur on W. Main Street beginning the week of March 30th. Traffic will be detoured onto W. College Avenue and Grove Street for the duration of this work which should be completed within one week. Signage will be installed in advance advising motorists of the upcoming road closure. Along State Street, traffic will be maintained with parking being restricted as needed within the limits of the work. The project is scheduled for completion by mid-April; weather permitting.
Additionally, on W. Main Street:
Tree clearing along Main Street has begun to allow for the installation of the conduit bank and manholes for the project. The existing trees are mature and due to their proximity to AEP’s facilities, will require ongoing trimming to maintain adequate clearance requirements. New trees, better suited for this location, will be installed as part of the project. Excavation for the installation of the conduit and manholes will commence within the next two weeks. Traffic will be maintained although lane closures will be required. This project is scheduled for completion by July.
And, while Otterbein College is on break now, when students return, just a reminder to take it slow along W. Main St. both day and night -- students crossing W. Main are not paying a bit of attention, so drivers just need to be more aware.
To check on local construction updates, visit the city website (www.westerville.org) or click here.
On Wednesday, March 25th, Westerville and Franklin County are participating in the statewide tornado drill for 3 minutes at 9:50 a.m. For more information on tornado safety and Wednesday's drill, click here.
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