Stop by the market today for pie, jams, autumn harvest produce, and certainly pumpkins!
This year's market was a place for wonderful artisan foods and produce but, most importantly, it was also such a wonderful place for people. Children could pick out their own apple or taste new foods, families and friends could visit the market together, shoppers could interact with market vendors, colleagues left their offices for a few minutes to shop together, old friends met up, and the market was certainly a favorite destination for dog walks! A true gathering place in our community.
Uptown Westerville's farmers' market was even mentioned as part of the appeal of Westerville, when Money magazine ranked Westerville as 2008's number 5 most affordable place to live.
This week, Sue's Kitchen is open with pie and cinnamon rolls, Jane Varley will have jam, and look for Bird's Haven Farms, Northridge Organic, Flying J, and Carousel Watergardens for delicious autumn foods.
We know you are planning to enter a pumpkin in this Friday's Community Pumpkin Display at Midnight Madness -- pick up your pumpkin today at the market!
The Westerville Uptown Merchants Association is proud to present the Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market. Special thanks to association members Amish Originals Furniture Co., Dairy Queen, Brickstreet Communications, DJ's Feed Store, the City of Westerville, and Church of the Messiah for their special support this market season.
Thank you to Westerville -- our community -- for the fabulous support!
See you at today's market!!
Pictured: The sun sets on Bird's Haven Farms pumpkins.
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