And, while the location remains the same, certainly the market fare literally grows from week to week.
The market features new vendors (Blue Jacket Dairy's delicious specialty cheeses and Snowville Creamery's fresh milk are the newest market vendors) and and as gardens grow, so does the produce selection.
The Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market features All-Ohio, Home-made, and Home-grown produce, features, and products, and include both organic and conventional methods.
Visit these market vendors:
▪ Arjay Gourmet Foods and Rohini's
▪ Bildsten Landscape
▪ Bird’s Haven Farm
▪ Blue Jacket Dairy
▪ Bridgman Farm
▪ Buckeye Mustard
▪ Carousel Water Gardens &
Cathy’s Tasty Treats
▪ Doran’s Family Farm
▪ Flower Power Gourmet
▪ Flying J Farm
▪ Frijolito Farm
▪ The Heritage Bakery
▪ Malabar Acres
▪ Mockingbird Meadows
▪ Northridge Organic Farm
▪ Pleiades Maple Products
▪ Snowville Creamery
▪ Taste of Seattle Coffee Company
▪ Varley Valley Products
Shop the market with friends, visit with the market vendors, try new tastes, buy fresh, delicious foods for your table -- and just enjoy!
And... while you're uptown... Shop Uptown Westerville!
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Take a photo tour of the 2008 Market -- click here!
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