This weekend wish Westerville a Happy 150th!
Sunday, August 31st is the City's "birthday bash" at Westerville's western gateway including Alum Creek Park, North (221 W. Main) and Heritage Park and Everal Barn, (60 N. Cleveland).
▪ Kiwanis' Pancake Breakfast
▪ Community Picnic
▪ Ice Cream Social
▪ Taste of Westerville
▪ Trolley Tours
▪ Westerville Public Library Storytime for Children
▪ A Special Quilt Showing
▪ Historic presentations, including Civil War era cannons
▪ The Annual Sertoma Car Show
▪ Historic Vehicles
▪ A 2008 Time Capsule
▪ Westerville Symphony
▪ Fireworks
Plenty of parking in the surrounding area. For more information and details, visit Celebrate Westerville online.
Have a Safe, Happy Labor Day Weekend.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Uptown Westerville is a Place for School Kids
Just a quick reminder that August 27th is the first day of school in Westerville.
Emerson (N. Vine and E. Home) and Hanby (E. Park and S. State) Elementary Schools are both located in Uptown Westerville, as is the Westerville Public Library, with Whittier and Longfellow nearby.
We are going to see more kids in Uptown Westerville.
Please take a couple extra seconds to be more aware that there may be kids around, please respect the posted school zone speed limits (yes, it's a drag, but it can save a life), be more alert at neighborhood crosswalks, be extra aware at bus stops and when a bus stops, and if you can, stay off your cell phone while in a school zone.
Be Safe. Thanks.
Emerson (N. Vine and E. Home) and Hanby (E. Park and S. State) Elementary Schools are both located in Uptown Westerville, as is the Westerville Public Library, with Whittier and Longfellow nearby.
We are going to see more kids in Uptown Westerville.
Please take a couple extra seconds to be more aware that there may be kids around, please respect the posted school zone speed limits (yes, it's a drag, but it can save a life), be more alert at neighborhood crosswalks, be extra aware at bus stops and when a bus stops, and if you can, stay off your cell phone while in a school zone.
Be Safe. Thanks.
Uptown Westerville is a Place to Buy Local

And, look at the calendar this weekend -- the Buckeyes open their season with Saturday's noon kick-off (Go Bucks!), Celebrate Westerville's Community Picnic is Sunday, and Labor Day is Monday.
Lots of reasons to eat rich, nutritious, healthy, delicious locally grown foods that you can find at the farmers' market.
The Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market opens at 3 p.m. through 6 p.m. Wednesdays, through October 29th at N. State and E. Home Streets. Insider tip: Arrive early for pie! Sue's Kitchen sold over 30 pies in the first 15 minutes of market last week!
While you're uptown for the market, remember to... Shop Uptown Westerville.
On-street and lot parking in Uptown Westerville is free.
Photo: Fruit ripened on the tree makes a difference -- apples fresh-picked from Malabar Acres of Jeromesville.
Uptown Westerville is a Place for Eco-conscious Options

Contributed by WUMA member Amish Originals Furniture Co., and designed by WUMA member Brickstreet Communications, the Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market Bags are made of durable, water-proof, tear-proof, and recyclable non-woven polypropylene by Kool Pack. Each bag is 12" wide by 12" high with a 26" woven handles.
Purchase a bag with a minimum $3 donation to the W.A.R.M. Fresh Green Program.
Ask your market vendor today!
The Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market convenes each Wednesday through October 29th from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the corner of N. State and E. Home Streets.
And, you're Uptown! Check out the Uptown Westerville shops and restaurants.
And, remember to bring your bag Uptown each week!
(100 bags available at today's market.)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Uptown Westerville is a Place for Farm Fresh, Tail Wagging, and Mystery

August 20th marks Week 16 of the Westerville Uptown Farmers' Market, located at N. State and E. Home Streets from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. each Wednesday through October 29th. The farmers' market is the perfect place to stop for fabulous, locally-grown and made, produce, dairy, poultry, meats, cut flowers, and artisan foods.
Central Ohio's only mid-week farmers' market, keep the Westerville Farmers' Market in mind as your Labor Day weekend food resource.
The Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market features a produce selection that is organic, chemical-free, and conventionally grown.
Shopping tip: Come uptown for lunch and shopping, and stop by the Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market to shop, taste, and pick up dinner.
Then Friday, August 22nd, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. is the Westerville Visitors and Convention Bureau's Dog Days of Summer Fourth Friday celebration. Dedicated to our canine friends and family -- Dog Days features a "best of show" contest, open to any and all, and welcomes a new sponsor, MilkBone. If you've never been Uptown for Dog Days -- come up -- it's lots of fun with happy people and wagging tails. Special thanks to WUMA member, Gordon Solomons of Captivating Canines (31 N. State) for sponsoring this crazy, fabulous, canine-focused event.
Finally, this weekend, check out the Westerville Visitors nd Convention Bureau's annual fundraisier event: The Whiskey Wars or Who Blew Up Corbin's Saloon? This locally produced nortorious Westerville history event comes alive at Otterbein College Campus Center's Otterbein Summer Theatre stage on September 23rd and 24th. Click here to view the event flyer.
For more information about The Whiskey Wars, contact the WVCB:
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Uptown Westerville is a Place to Know Your Neighbors
Do you live or work in Uptown Westerville?
Meet your neighbors at an Uptown Business Networking Open House on August 26th from 8:30 am. to 9:30 a.m. (refreshments from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.) at Gallery 202, 38 N. State, 2nd Floor.
For more information or to RSVP contact: Kriss Rogers, Outside Envy, 15 N. State Street, 614.895.3689 or Renee Kropat, Gallery 202, 890.8202 or
Meet your neighbors at an Uptown Business Networking Open House on August 26th from 8:30 am. to 9:30 a.m. (refreshments from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.) at Gallery 202, 38 N. State, 2nd Floor.
For more information or to RSVP contact: Kriss Rogers, Outside Envy, 15 N. State Street, 614.895.3689 or Renee Kropat, Gallery 202, 890.8202 or
Uptown Westerville is a Place to Be An Educated Voter
The Westerville Chamber of Commerce is meeting on August 19th to provide information and answer your questions about State Issue 4:
Mandated Paid Sick Leave: State Issue 4 (Healthy Families Act)
Join us over breakfast for a panel discussion on what you should know about the impact of the 'Healthy Families Act' (State Issue 4)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
7:45 a.m.—10:00 a.m.
Medallion Country Club
500 Club Drive, Westerville, OH 43082
$20 per stakeholder/$30 non-members
Each attendee will receive a continental breakfast and an informational packet reviewing the major talking points of the legislation, cost analysis, related business articles, and the actual legislation language. ($15 for an additional packet.)
We are proud to host a panel discussion with fellow Chamber stakeholders:
Kyle Stroh, Attorney, Metz, Bailey & McLoughlin
Larry Jenkins, Human Resources Services
Jim Sterling, Sterling Consulting LLC
Registration 7:45 - 8:00 a.m.
Welcome 8:00 - 8:05 a.m.
Explanation of the HFA 8:10 - 8:50 a.m.
Questions & Answers 8:50 - 9:55 a.m.
Please e-mail back with your registration or call the Chamber office at 614-882-8917 by August 15. Reservations are required. There is limited seating.
Mandated Paid Sick Leave: State Issue 4 (Healthy Families Act)
Join us over breakfast for a panel discussion on what you should know about the impact of the 'Healthy Families Act' (State Issue 4)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
7:45 a.m.—10:00 a.m.
Medallion Country Club
500 Club Drive, Westerville, OH 43082
$20 per stakeholder/$30 non-members
Each attendee will receive a continental breakfast and an informational packet reviewing the major talking points of the legislation, cost analysis, related business articles, and the actual legislation language. ($15 for an additional packet.)
We are proud to host a panel discussion with fellow Chamber stakeholders:
Kyle Stroh, Attorney, Metz, Bailey & McLoughlin
Larry Jenkins, Human Resources Services
Jim Sterling, Sterling Consulting LLC
Registration 7:45 - 8:00 a.m.
Welcome 8:00 - 8:05 a.m.
Explanation of the HFA 8:10 - 8:50 a.m.
Questions & Answers 8:50 - 9:55 a.m.
Please e-mail back with your registration or call the Chamber office at 614-882-8917 by August 15. Reservations are required. There is limited seating.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Uptown Westerville is a Place to Buy Local

August 13th is market day in Uptown Westerville!
And, this is Week 15 for the 2008 Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market season.
The Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market opens for business each Wednesday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. through October 29th in the Church of the Messiah parking lot at N. State and E. Home.
The Westerville Uptown Merchants Association highly recommends making Wednesday an Uptown Westerville Market Day -- come uptown for lunch and shopping, then stop by the market.
Today's weather is perfect for market shopping with artisan foods and an amazing selection of organic, chemical-free, and conventionally grown produce.
Last week, market customers purchased nearly 1000 pounds of fresh peaches from Malabar Acres!
Home-made, home-grown, all-Ohio, the Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market features a variety of baked goods, spreads, chutneys, jams, cut flowers, meats, poultry, eggs, fruits, vegetables, coffee, sauces, rubs and dried herbs, honey, maple syrup, and fresh cheese.
Stroller friendly and pet friendly, the market is a great place to shop with friends and family, and to shake the hand of the person who grew your produce and made your bread.
See you at the Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market.
Pictured: Shopping at Doran's Family Farm at the August 6th market.
Uptown Westerville is a Place for Tail Waggin' Fun

Sponsored by WUMA member Captivating Canines (31 N. State), this perrenial favorite is big fun when the streets of Uptown Westerville are filled with dogs of all sizes, breeds, and ages and their humans!
As always, bring your dogs for judging and, this year, Milkbone joins Dog Days!
For more information, visit the WVCB at
Uptown Westerville is a Place for Cops.... and Kids!
The 2008 Westerville Cops and Kids event is on September 14th from 10:30 a.m. to 3: 30 p.m. at Hoff Woods .
This is the 15th year for this popular event sponsored by the Central Ohio Peace Officers and WPD .
The event features: Free Admission, Prizes, Free Refreshments, Music, Helicopters, DARE cars, mounted patrols, K-9 Units, and.... a Dunk-a-Cop Tank!!
Free gift to the first 1500 kids.
For more information, click here to view the Cops and Kids flyer (PDF) or online at
This is the 15th year for this popular event sponsored by the Central Ohio Peace Officers and WPD .
The event features: Free Admission, Prizes, Free Refreshments, Music, Helicopters, DARE cars, mounted patrols, K-9 Units, and.... a Dunk-a-Cop Tank!!
Free gift to the first 1500 kids.
For more information, click here to view the Cops and Kids flyer (PDF) or online at
Uptown Westerville is a Place for Notorious Stories
Back in the day, Westerville, Ohio was home to a national prohibition organization that fueled the passage of the 18th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. And, back in 1879, in a divided community, Corbin's Saloon, located in an Uptown Westerville hotel, was bombed! What were they thinking?!
Well, find out what may have happened by checking out the Westerville Visitors and Convention Bureau's annual fundraiser presentation -- The Whiskey Wars or Who Blew Up Corbin's Saloon?
This imaginative, original production, based on the nortorious 1879 bombing incident, is an exciting community effort bringing together OtterbeinCollege alum, including Otterbein College Theatre's own Petie Dodrill, Westerville Central, South, and North high school, the Westerville Historical Society, and resident actors and theatre technicians.
The Whiskey Wars or Who Blew Up Corbin's Saloon? will be presented on the Otterbein College Summer Theatre stage at the Otterbein College Campus Center.
For ticket information, contact the WVCB at 614.794.9401 or visit the WVCB website at
Click here to view event flyer. (PDF file so Adobe Acrobat Reader required.)
By the way, the 1879 bombing was in a hotel where Pasquale's Pizza and Pasta is currently located (14 N. State) and it was the 2nd bombing of Corbin's Saloon. Corbin's Saloon's original location was at 39 W. Main, and was bombed in 1875.
Well, find out what may have happened by checking out the Westerville Visitors and Convention Bureau's annual fundraiser presentation -- The Whiskey Wars or Who Blew Up Corbin's Saloon?
This imaginative, original production, based on the nortorious 1879 bombing incident, is an exciting community effort bringing together OtterbeinCollege alum, including Otterbein College Theatre's own Petie Dodrill, Westerville Central, South, and North high school, the Westerville Historical Society, and resident actors and theatre technicians.
The Whiskey Wars or Who Blew Up Corbin's Saloon? will be presented on the Otterbein College Summer Theatre stage at the Otterbein College Campus Center.
For ticket information, contact the WVCB at 614.794.9401 or visit the WVCB website at
Click here to view event flyer. (PDF file so Adobe Acrobat Reader required.)
By the way, the 1879 bombing was in a hotel where Pasquale's Pizza and Pasta is currently located (14 N. State) and it was the 2nd bombing of Corbin's Saloon. Corbin's Saloon's original location was at 39 W. Main, and was bombed in 1875.
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